Friday 15 May 2015

The Thread Classes in Java

 The Java programming language provides support for threads through a single interface and a handful of classes. The Java interface and classes that include thread functionality follow:
  • Thread
  • Runnable
  • ThreadDeath
  • ThreadGroup
  • Object


The Thread class is the primary class responsible for providing thread functionality to other classes. To add thread functionality to a class, you simply derive the class from Thread and override the run method. The run method is where the processing for a thread takes place, and it is often referred to as the thread body. The Threadclass also defines startand stop methods that allow you to start and stop the execution of the thread, along with a host of other useful methods.


Java does not directly support multiple inheritance, which involves deriving a class from
multiple parent classes. This brings up a pretty big question in regard to adding thread functionality to a class: how can you derive from the Thread class if you are already deriving from another class? The answer is: you can't! This is where the Runnableinterface comes into play.
The Runnable interface provides the overhead for adding thread functionality to a class simply by implementing the interface, rather than deriving from Thread. Classes that implement the Runnableinterface simply provide a runmethod that is executed by an associated thread object that is created separately. This is a very useful feature and is often the only outlet you have to incorporating multithreading into existing classes.


The ThreadDeath error class provides a mechanism for allowing you to clean up after a thread is asynchronously terminated. I'm calling the ThreadDeathan error class because it is derived from the Errorclass, which provides a means of handling and reporting errors. When the stop method is called on a thread, an instance of ThreadDeathis thrown by the dying thread as an error. You should only catch the ThreadDeath object if you need to perform cleanup specific to the asynchronous termination, which is a pretty rare situation. If you do catch the object, you must rethrow it so the thread will actually die.


The ThreadGroup class is used to manage a group of threads as a single unit. This provides you with a means to finely control thread execution for a series of threads. For example, the ThreadGroupclass provides stop, suspend, and resume methods for controlling the execution of all the threads in the group. Thread groups can also contain other thread groups, allowing for a nested hierarchy of threads. Individual threads have access to their immediate thread group, but not to the parent of the thread group.


Although not strictly a thread support class, the Objectclass does provide a few methods that are crucial to the Java thread architecture. These methods are wait, notify, and notifyAll. The wait method causes a thread to wait in a sleep state until it is notified to continue. Likewise, the notify method informs a waiting thread to continue along with its processing. The notifyAll method is similar to notify except it applies to all waiting threads. These three methods can only be called from a synchronized method; don't worry, you'll learn more about synchronized methods a little later in this chapter.

Typically, these methods are used with multiple threads, where one method waits for another to finish some processing before it can continue. The first thread waits for the other thread to notify it so it can continue. Just in case you're in the dark here, the Object class rests at the top of the Java class hierarchy, meaning that it is the parent of all classes. In other words, every Java class inherits the functionality provided by Object, including the wait, notify, and notifyAll methods.

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